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Match 4 - Hambraynor versus Jimbwarf: Zerg on Terran Action Like You've Never Seen

It was a day like any other for Jimbwarf's Terran Exploration Science Team as they continued their excavation of the Desolate Stronghold, perhaps hoping to discover some rare Xel Naga artifact.  They would soon discover that the stronghold was not, in fact, abandoned... but it would be too late.

The settlement had attracted Hambraynor's Zerg Brood, which quickly settled near the available gas and mineral expansions while Jimbwarf's slower command centers continued to build.  All was peaceful, until....

Heads turned and metal dissolved as over a dozen banelings splashed their gooey fun all over Jimbwarf's rear dig site.  The damage may not have been severe in terms of minerals, but they had been marked.  Hamburglar's seed of destruction was now all over them, and it would not be long before more... insidious forms of attack began.

Luckily for them, both Jimbotron and Brewdwarf had opted for early engineering bays and command centers, which allowed them to convert to their field outposts into the mighty Planetary Fortress.  Although they had an early lead in expansions, it was not long before Braynor's genetically engineered resource-hoarders allowed him to surpass Jimbwarf in the resource race.

Some say a contributing factor was Hamburglar's constant baneling-zergling attacks, causing Jimbwarf to play defensively while Braynor's all-out hatchery rush on the unclaimed sites was met with little to no resistance.

Nothing for a long... long time.  Perhaps Jimbwarf thought they were safe.  Little did they know, something sinister below lurked.

Braynor's 60+ Infestors allowed him free reign of the map as he constantly spawned massive amounts of infested marines, most likely found and captured years before when the Zerg still had the ability to infest Terran buildings.  With their 8 unupgraded base damage and 100+ hit points while hatching, not even a Planetary Fortress's reinforced armor and slow-firing Ibiks Cannons could withstand the attacks.

The underground threat was completely undetectable and unreachable by normal means.  There was only one unit that could combat this annoying and obnoxious foe:

Jimbwarf's gaggle of ravens proves surprisingly effective against Hambraynor's infestors.

Not content with wrecking planetary fortroxen, Braynor attempts to steal away SCVs in order to tech to Terran.

One Planetary may not stand a chance, but two might.

Braynor's tech attempts were repeatedly frustrated by all sides, but he would eventually succeed, though by then the match had already been decided.  Brewdwarf and Jimbotron would await evac, ceding control of the no-longer-Desolate Stronghold to Hambraynor.  Match 4 goes to Hambraynor!